First CFD simulation

Writing post from my new iMac :)
For a long time, I didn't like Macs, cos I had difficulty using the one-button mouse and a new system, but like with anything, you get used to it over time. Am still nowhere near as familiar with UNIX commands as cmd line ones.
Ran first simulation from OpenFOAM - took awhile to get used to the system, and was glad when it was working in the end.
I think moving away from the operating system, I was using was good for me, for starters ended the clutter that I had created!
At the moment am downloading the free version of Ensight


michi said…
everything sounds and looks great!
looking forward to see more of it.
could you please be more specific about the process and software you used?
i am an architect student in madrid working on topics alike.
Ruwan said…
Hi Michi

The only software used was OpenFoam - and the image was one of the demo's given, so I didn't really do anything :D

At the moment am working on automating evaluation, so I needed a CFD program that can work from the command line

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